I want to encourage you today, friends to grow your delegation and teamwork muscles. Here’s what that looks like. Look at the tasks that you have on your plate. I don’t care if you don’t have a virtual assistant or a team member, that is not important. What is important is that you train for the day that you do. You do not join a swim team and then only put your bathing suit on and jump in the pool on the day of the meet. You practice. You get in the pool. You swim laps. You work on your stroke, you get stronger, you build your audience, you build your muscles and then you can beat when you hire a team member onto your team. Day one of their start date is not the date for you to learn how to start delegating or figure out how to be a good leader. You gotta practice like Alex. I’ve never practiced that before. Let me give you some tips. Number one, you should really go and grab my hire your first VA course at Branning Library, become number two. Write down the tasks that you no longer want to do once you have a team member. Step three Take the first task on that list, and I want you to record yourself over Loom or Zoom or some other screen sharing application of not just you performing the task, but you verbalizing out loud why you are taking the steps you’re taking so that the person that takes over that task isn’t just following along with how that day’s task went, but they also understand your thought process. We’ll talk more about this in a few days, but grow your delegation and team work muscles. Day one of your assistants start date is not the day for you to figure this out.


About the Author

Alex Branning

Alex started the Branning Group in December 2000, when he was only 17 years old. Since then, he has helped thousands of businesses and entrepreneurs and is now widely considered one of the leading high performance marketing coaches in the country. Alex has revolutionized the insurance and real estate marketing sector with his “Giveaway Funnel” strategy, and his trainings have been consumed by entrepreneurs worldwide. Alex’s books include “How to Grow Your Business on Pinterest” and “Insurance Super Agent”. He is followed by tens of thousands of entrepreneurs on Instagram and Facebook, his podcast has been rated as a top business podcast and his YouTube videos have been watched over 200,000 times. He lives in Redding, CA with his wife Kathy, his daughter Ali and their two pets: a brichon frise dog named Snow and a Holland Lop bunny named Foo Foo.

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