Good morning. Your most powerful word that you can use to grow your business and excel in your life is the word no. Say no more often. No is a full sentence. Saying no could be the most important thing that you do. Say no to the good things that are offered to you so that you can say yes to the great things. Most entrepreneurs that I know that have failed are not the ones that have said yes. They have said yes too many times over and over again to every opportunity. The more of an action taker you are, the bigger of a leader you are, the more opportunities will be presented. Don’t worry about how other people will react to you saying no. Do what is right for you and say no to the good. So you can say yes to the greats. And when you say yes, take massive action, deliver with excellence, completed all the way to the finish line and have fun while you’re doing it. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.


About the Author

Alex Branning

Alex started the Branning Group in December 2000, when he was only 17 years old. Since then, he has helped thousands of businesses and entrepreneurs and is now widely considered one of the leading high performance marketing coaches in the country. Alex has revolutionized the insurance and real estate marketing sector with his “Giveaway Funnel” strategy, and his trainings have been consumed by entrepreneurs worldwide. Alex’s books include “How to Grow Your Business on Pinterest” and “Insurance Super Agent”. He is followed by tens of thousands of entrepreneurs on Instagram and Facebook, his podcast has been rated as a top business podcast and his YouTube videos have been watched over 200,000 times. He lives in Redding, CA with his wife Kathy, his daughter Ali and their two pets: a brichon frise dog named Snow and a Holland Lop bunny named Foo Foo.

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