Good morning. A lot of you are taking action, making moves, and in the process of all of that growth, you are being presented with new opportunities and I’m so excited for you. I am rooting for you. I cannot wait to see what happens on the other side of that opportunity. Here is some ways that I look at opportunities and I grade whether or not it is a good fit for me. I look at these three things I have a podcast episode coming out where I dove even deeper into this. But here’s the three questions that I ask myself. Number one, do the people that I am currently serving fit into this new business model because it’s a heck of a lot easier to sell something to people that already trust me. Number two is this new opportunity is something that really flexes on my strengths, or am I going to have to learn a whole new skill set? They’re learning. New skills for an opportunity is not bad, but you’ve got to realize how much time you are asking yourself to invest in this. So when you look at it, ask yourself, Is this something that I will excel at in day one? This is a way to grade the opportunity, not dismiss it, but to give yourself a really good idea of what you’re looking at. And number three. Do I have the financial, emotional and physical capacity to take on this new opportunity and still show up with excellence to the other things that I’ve committed to? If the answer is no, do not take on the new opportunity unless or until you have resolved the other issues where you will not be able to show up with excellence. If you have an opportunity and you would like my opinion on it, I am happy to review it over. An email should be an email. Let’s go, friends.


About the Author

Alex Branning

Alex started the Branning Group in December 2000, when he was only 17 years old. Since then, he has helped thousands of businesses and entrepreneurs and is now widely considered one of the leading high performance marketing coaches in the country. Alex has revolutionized the insurance and real estate marketing sector with his “Giveaway Funnel” strategy, and his trainings have been consumed by entrepreneurs worldwide. Alex’s books include “How to Grow Your Business on Pinterest” and “Insurance Super Agent”. He is followed by tens of thousands of entrepreneurs on Instagram and Facebook, his podcast has been rated as a top business podcast and his YouTube videos have been watched over 200,000 times. He lives in Redding, CA with his wife Kathy, his daughter Ali and their two pets: a brichon frise dog named Snow and a Holland Lop bunny named Foo Foo.

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