When situations happen, you need to not react, you need to respond to the problem. Sometimes, depending on the severity of the feedback we’re getting, we can tend to overcorrect. There is an emotional reaction that is normal for us, especially when things are thrown in our face in a figurative manner. Give you an example. I’ve had a couple instances within the past few months of clients that are extremely upset about some of the things that are happening inside of the software that we’ve created and to be honest with you. 99% of them are people overreacting to minor changes at one person who was a client of ours for a long time, and we changed some of the colors of our buttons. He got so flustered one day that he reached out to us and he wanted us to cancel everything he’s like. Forget it. You all keep changing it. I went out a gross overreaction. He ended up coming back, so he’s good now. But we can tend to get in this place mentally where we overreact to small things and create a much longer term problem because of the reaction that we have. However, when we respond to the things that are happening, if he had just simply reached out and asked us a question, it would have been a very easy conversation and we do this a lot. I use this silly example of somebody getting frustrated at changes in our software, but this happens a lot with maybe a team member that might be having a bad couple of days, and our reaction is to remove the problem, so to speak. In other words, remove the emotional situation. But if we can hang in there with our clients that are having a bad day with our employees that might be in a slump, then we create loyalty, longevity and we build something that will last for a long time. If you overreact, cut and run, then got to start all over again from scratch and it’s a pain in the neck. Don’t react, but respond to the problems in front of you.


About the Author

Alex Branning

Alex started the Branning Group in December 2000, when he was only 17 years old. Since then, he has helped thousands of businesses and entrepreneurs and is now widely considered one of the leading high performance marketing coaches in the country. Alex has revolutionized the insurance and real estate marketing sector with his “Giveaway Funnel” strategy, and his trainings have been consumed by entrepreneurs worldwide. Alex’s books include “How to Grow Your Business on Pinterest” and “Insurance Super Agent”. He is followed by tens of thousands of entrepreneurs on Instagram and Facebook, his podcast has been rated as a top business podcast and his YouTube videos have been watched over 200,000 times. He lives in Redding, CA with his wife Kathy, his daughter Ali and their two pets: a brichon frise dog named Snow and a Holland Lop bunny named Foo Foo.

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