Good morning, friends, I touched on a topic yesterday, I got a lot of feedback, and so I wanted to dove into the idea that there are certain seasons that are designed for a pace and a productivity level that you know you’re not going to be able to sustain for the long term. When a professional athlete is ready for game day, they are mentally preparing themselves to push their bodies at 100% for a three to four hour period. They also know that after the game is done, they will be resting and recouping for probably at least twice that time. LeBron James plays a basketball game and is on the court for approximately three and a half hours. He spends about the next eight to ten hours icing his body, stretching and recovering from all that effort. As an entrepreneur, you can set yourself up to where you have a certain season of your life, where you are going to be pushing yourself at a high level that you know you’re not going to look to sustain. I do not recommend working more than 50 hours a week for a long period of time. However, when you have to hustle, when you know this is harvest season, I got a push, then you give it that extra effort knowing that you’ll be able to take a break.


About the Author

Alex Branning

Alex started the Branning Group in December 2000, when he was only 17 years old. Since then, he has helped thousands of businesses and entrepreneurs and is now widely considered one of the leading high performance marketing coaches in the country. Alex has revolutionized the insurance and real estate marketing sector with his “Giveaway Funnel” strategy, and his trainings have been consumed by entrepreneurs worldwide. Alex’s books include “How to Grow Your Business on Pinterest” and “Insurance Super Agent”. He is followed by tens of thousands of entrepreneurs on Instagram and Facebook, his podcast has been rated as a top business podcast and his YouTube videos have been watched over 200,000 times. He lives in Redding, CA with his wife Kathy, his daughter Ali and their two pets: a brichon frise dog named Snow and a Holland Lop bunny named Foo Foo.

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